Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Bunting Bandwagon, I jumped on it...

I'm not sure I like bunting, but I thought I'd give it a try to use up some fabrics I've had leftover from other projects.
I made 8 meters of bias and I'm having trouble finding a way to string them up that looks good! And they clash with the curtains, bad. [The crazy curtains came with the house. Next stop: New curtains!] 

The best bunting template came from Chickabug Blog- and as for the best tutorial, I found the more I read, the more complicated it got. This is the simple method I ended up using.

10 Step Bunting

  1. Cut out two triangles from the same fabric. This works really well with a rotary cutter & mat, with the triangle template, as they articulate perfectly with each other at 45 degrees.
  2. Put the two sides of the triangle wrong sides together and sew down the long sides. Leave the short side open for turning out later.
  3. Clip the extra fabric at the point of the triangle close to the seam (to avoid bulk in the point once they're turned right-way out)
  4. Turn right sides out, gently poke the point out with a knitting needle or skewer, and press.
  5. Topstitch down long sides, 1/4 inch in from seam. 
  6. Put the flags in a pile in the order you want them to hang on the string.
  7. Get bias tape (preferably inch wide, not the 1/2 inch that I used, that was tricky!) and fold in half.
  8. Sew about 30-50cm of bias together in half, on the opposite side to the folded edge.
  9. Insert bunting flag into bias, leaving an inch or so between flags. 
  10. Sew as you go! Finish with another 30-50cm of straight bias without flags. (For tying)

There you go! I like the semi-circle version, and the half-doily versions too.

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